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Biography & Artist's Statement

After graduation I rented a studio in the vibrant Wapping artists community in London’s Docklands and worked at the ICA (Institute of Contemporary Art) in the Mall. In the 1980’s and early 90’s I travelled in Italy, Greece, India, Spain, Morocco and Turkey, where written and visual diaries provided inspiration for figurative paintings. These journeys imprinted the experience of a stark landscape, tough environment and life close to the edge, that has indirectly informed all my work. 


I paint to evoke memories of place - the colours, shapes, light, weather, time of day but also the less tangible - smells, sounds, thoughts or incidents that occur. 


I often work in series, in the sense that one piece leads to another. They may comprise a single theme or one that changes and develops - evolving from the original source of inspiration.

Memory influences the choice of colour, shapes and textures. I use materials and surfaces that feel applicable to each series. Thee constitute an integral part of the work and are not a random choice.


I live in Gloucestershire and taught at Stroud College of Art & Design for over 25 . I run private art classes at Pegasus Art, (Griffin Mill, Stroud) curate exhibitions and offer mentoring. 


Sue Rae Artist Stroud Gloucestershire Stroud College Pegasus Art Shop Art Classes mixed media painting drawing fine art texture colour exhibition 

Website Design - Zoe Jo Rae Design     Photography - Mustafa Sami (Musami Design) & Zoe Jo Rae

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